
Posts Tagged ‘divination’

So my roommate is dating a new girl, Alysha.  When she was over the first time–she spied our bedroom altar.  Alysha got pretty excited, I guess she wrote a paper on paganism or wicca or something.  So she wanted to meet me.  Not a lot of folks have been over to my house, but I have altars everywhere, and I have a huge kitchen nook that serves as my altar room.  I have stuff going on everywhere.  We used to put our Yule tree in that area, so I am busily trying to figure out how to arrange the room to make space for it.  She was really fun, and she wanted me to do a tarot reading for her.  I did one, but it was strange, because I had already done two tarot readings about her for my roommate Al.  I am glad she didn’t ask me a question on a romance topic, I really don’t like to do too many readings on the same issue in one week.  The reading was about her family–it turned out pretty well, a good reading.

three of cups

three of cups

For the longest time, I was resistant to using tarot.  But for some reason, I am really growing  fond of my Robin Wood deck.  It is easy to work with.  I am seriously going to need to practice more with my ogham, because I can’t just look at them and know what they mean like I can with my tarot.  The ogham are also not as good for romance based readings as most of the kennings that go with each one are more adventure based.  I suppose with more practice I will be able to read them with ease.

oak ogham

oak ogham

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